Premium Dry Erase Paint Ideas for the Bedroom
The bedroom is an ideal space to apply top-quality dry erase paint on one or more of the walls, the main door, the closet doors, and other smooth flat surfaces in the room. Your bedroom is a place where you tend to feel at ease, so it’s a great place to casually jot down thoughtful notes for family members, create plans for new remodeling projects, brainstorm ideas for work-related activities, and more. Some of the areas where you can apply dry erase paint in the bedroom are presented below, along with both practical and fun ways to use the finished dry erase surfaces after they’re installed.
Create Art and Write Down Flashes of Insight on Your Dry Erase Door
On the inside of your bedroom door, you could coat the entire surface to create a convenient place to display your impromptu artwork, spontaneous literary outbursts, ideas for work projects, and other images or ideas that strike you just as you get out of bed in the morning. The periods just before going to sleep and just after waking up are two times that are most conducive to sudden flashes of inspiration and intuition. During these occasions, the brain is in a condition called “hypnagogia,” a semi-conscious state that’s susceptible to an influx of thoughts and images from the subconscious mind.
These interludes are known to be times when highly imaginative people such as Thomas Edison and Edgar Allan Poe had some of their greatest creative breakthroughs. In fact, some of the world’s brightest minds have used hypnagogia to tap into their inner creativity. For example, Edison, Poe, and the Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dali purposely tried to bring on the hypnagogic state to stimulate their creative abilities. These inspired individuals took naps while holding a steel ball in their hands so they would wake up from the noise when the ball hit the floor. Then they would use the ideas they got during the state of semi-wakefulness to make new inventions, write poetry, or create paintings.
You can also take advantage of this period of enhanced creativity if you apply premium dry erase paint to the inside of your bedroom door and write down or draw your flashes of inspiration upon waking from sleep. Dry erase surfaces are much better for this purpose than the note pads that many people use to jot down their sudden flashes of insight after waking up. The walls offer many times more space to record early morning revelations. So, they’re much more conducive to letting the imagination flow freely for as long as ideas come up. After writing and drawing freely on your door, you can take pictures of what you came up with for further reference at the office or later at home.
Post Reminders on the Door about Tasks and Appointments
You might also use your dry erase painted bedroom door to remind yourself of tasks you need to complete or appointments you need to go to after you start your day. Having this information in large lettering on the door right in front of you as you leave your bedroom will help to impress it on your mind. In this way, you won’t forget your duties as easily as you would if they were written on your cell phone’s memo pad or on a paper notepad. You can also take a picture of the door’s contents to refer to later on.
Paint Your Closet Doors and Dresser Drawers to Help Become More Organized
To help in organizing your wardrobe and reminding yourself of where specific clothes, shoes, jewelry, and accessories are located, you can apply premium dry erase paint to your closet doors and dresser drawers. There you can list the contents and also write down specific outfits, shoes, and pieces of jewelry that you want to wear on any given day. Another use for these surfaces would be to list clothes, shoes, and accessories that you plan to have cleaned or repaired, to give to family members, or to donate to charity.
Another perfect place to install premium dry erase paint in the bedroom is on one or more of the walls. Doing so would be especially useful if you plan to convert a part of the room into a home office. In this case, you may use premium dry erase paint to demarcate the office space from the surrounding area then use the finished dry erase wall for your daily work functions. These could include doing presentations at virtual meetings, brainstorming ideas individually or with colleagues at the virtual meetings, taking notes during phone calls, making to-do lists about important work duties, and a host of other tasks.
For recreational purposes, you could also make use of your dry erase wall for spontaneous doodling and drawing. These activities have been found to have a relaxing effect on the mind and to improve cognitive functioning and focus when doing tasks that require concentration. In fact, the very act of writing by hand stimulates the brain in people of all ages as well and enhances brain development in children and adolescents.
Compared to doodling on notepaper, doodling on a dry erase wall has the advantage of access to a much larger space to work on and an easily erased surface that allows you to spend an indefinite time on the activity without wasting paper. Doodling during breaks can also help to cheer up the atmosphere of your home office by giving you a carefree alternative to the serious, focused writing and computations you do in your remote work.
A Calendar Wall Can Further Enhance Your Organizing Skills
You may also coat your bedroom wall with dry erase paint to create a large calendar for maintaining schedules and keeping track of appointments, meetings, holidays, and the like. You can either draw your calendar with dry erase markers and a ruler or yardstick, or opt for a more permanent calendar by installing electrical tape, colored masking tape, or washi tape over your already drawn calendar template.
Washi tape is a high-quality type of masking tape made of Japanese rice paper, so it’s different from the regular masking tape you might buy at your local hardware store. Washi tape is both beautiful and functional. It can be torn, stuck onto surfaces, repositioned, and written on, and its low-tack adhesive makes it exceptionally easy to use and reuse. The tape comes in a wide variety of colors, patterns, and widths, so you can use it to make a highly creative and beautiful calendar that will be fun to look at and use.
Create a Movie Wall to List Must-see Movies
You can use the dry erase wall in your bedroom to write down titles of movies that you would like to see, then delete entries you watch and easily add more must-see films. According to a recent survey, the majority of people in the US say home is their favorite moving-watching location. So, if you’re like many others, you’ll want to keep up with the latest films available on streaming services such as Netflix and Hulu, which provide you with a means of watching films on the go. And a convenient way to keep track of new releases is to list them on your dry erase wall.
Write Inspirational Messages on Your Wall
Periodically write down inspirational quotes on your dry erase wall to cheer up the atmosphere and provide yourself with motivation to carry out your daily tasks. Motivational quotes can provide you with quick and timely bits of wisdom to help you get your focus back on the task at hand and offer the encouragement needed for the entire day or a specific occasion.
The post Premium Dry Erase Paint Ideas for the Bedroom appeared first on ReMARKable Whiteboard Paint.
source https://www.remarkablecoating.com/premium-dry-erase-paint-ideas-for-the-bedroom/
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