Dry Erase Walls Create Productive Classroom Spaces
Both students and teachers have a great deal to gain from operating in productive classroom spaces because such environments make learning, interacting, and sharing ideas both rewarding and comfortable for everyone. Competent, enthusiastic teachers and top-quality schools and curricula are major components of effective learning, but without productive and engaging classroom spaces in which to function, the outcomes of teaching and learning will be less than ideal, and students can easily become unmotivated and bored. Dry erase walls have the ability to do more than motivate and cure boredom.
Creating productive spaces is a multi-faceted effort that extends from fashioning a safe, friendly environment to fostering a healthy, collaborative classroom culture. The following are some tips for building dynamic classroom spaces that will keep students inspired to learn and grow, and teachers motivated to always give their best in class.
Work with a Consistent Teaching Schedule to Raise Student Confidence and Focus
Schedules are all about organization, about creating ways of running classroom interactions to ensure that students learn in an orderly, cohesive manner and feel confident in their teacher’s abilities and professionalism. When you create and implement a regular schedule, you’re telling your students that you advocate a specific way of carrying out classroom activities and assignments and expect them to work hard to meet their daily learning goals. An essential part of this process is to balance your daily agenda to make sure that it neither overwhelms nor underwhelms your students. In this way, you’ll know that you’re helping to create a space in terms of time that’s productive and will work to supply students with the greatest learning benefits and opportunities you can offer.
A Dry Erase Painted Wall Provides the Ideal Surface for Generating Class Schedules
The perfect place to post your daily or weekly class schedule is on the vast easy-to-view surface of a premium dry erase painted wall. Dry erase walls offer the utmost in easy writability and erasability, along with great durability and an attractive and inviting appearance that will make students want to get out of their seats and use it for classroom lessons and other activities. The great size of a dry erase wall makes posting large, easy-to-see class schedules an effortless task. The outsized lettering that you can create in schedules posted on a dry erase wall will make entries easy for you and your students to view and remember. Besides, schedule changes are easy to make due to the wall’s highly erasable surface that will remain free of ghosting and smudging when regularly erased with a microfiber cloth and periodically maintained with a microfiber cloth moistened with water or an eco-friendly dry erase surface cleaner.
Provide a Proper Set of Instructional Tools for You and Your Class to Use
On the subject of productivity, the teaching and learning tools that you use in the classroom make a great deal of difference. Productive spaces are healthy areas where students can learn and develop both mentally and physically, and in this regard, the choice between a chalkboard, a conventional framed whiteboard, and a top-quality dry erase painted wall as a communication tool becomes easy to make. Compared to using chalkboards, using conventional whiteboards creates no hazardous chalk dust to breathe in and contaminate electronic equipment. However, the limited size of framed whiteboards makes text and graphics hard to see for many students, especially in a large classroom, and severely restricts the amount of material that can be written or drawn at one time.
A Dry Erase Wall is the Ideal Tool for Conveying Information in the Classroom
Like conventional whiteboards, premium dry erase painted walls produce no harmful dust when used; however, they have the added advantage of being extremely large and accessible enough to accommodate vast amounts of writing and/or drawings at once. The great size, easy accessibility, and attractive appearance of dry erase painted walls make them perfect additions to a productive classroom space. Learning, interacting, and sharing of ideas among students and teachers become pleasing and enjoyable experiences when everyone has access to a dry erase wall for lessons and other tasks.
Create a Collaborative Culture with the Help of Your Dry Erase Wall
A classroom is as productive as the culture and ways of learning that it fosters. Productive classroom spaces are characterized by constructive collaboration and interaction among both teachers and students. Thus, if you wish to stimulate productivity and creativity in your students, you should develop a culture in which cooperation and coordination generate harmony in the classroom. Harmonious and cooperative environments are contexts for superior classroom cultures, which are of immense benefit and value to students’ ability to learn and grow.
Design Your Classroom for Optimal Teaching and Learning With Whiteboard Walls
When it comes to enhancing productivity, a classroom’s interior design is a crucial factor. Therefore, you should make sure to design a seating arrangement that will allow students to move around the room with ease. No physical obstacles or unnecessary items should be present as they contribute to a feeling of untidiness and detract from effective learning. A cluttered classroom makes for cluttered minds in both students and teachers.
Avoid Clutter to Enhance Your Productive Classroom Space
Studies in educational psychology show that an overly cluttered classroom can seriously impact learning. Children, especially those in the primary grades and those with special educational needs, are easily distracted by a cluttered classroom environment. Over time, disorganization and untidiness have a cumulative effect on students’ brains. Constant visual reminders of disorganization in a classroom deplete students’ mental energy, thus reducing their ability to concentrate and participate actively in class. The effects of disorder also increase the chances of cognitive overload, which can, in turn, diminish working memory.
Pay Attention to Comfort, Flexibility, and Economy of Space
Teachers’ spaces also need to have an optimal interior design that will ensure a feeling of comfort and flexibility and also allow room for proper oversight and monitoring of the class. Moreover, adequate space should be allowed for setting up projectors and other equipment used in the teaching process. With a dry erase painted wall, it’s easy to have it function as both a top-quality writing-and-drawing medium and a projection screen, so you can circumvent the extra hassle of having to set up a conventional screen for classroom video and slide presentations. This feature helps reduce clutter in the room caused by a stand-alone or draw-down projector screen and also benefits your school’s budget by eliminating the cost of a screen.
Premium dry erase paint has a slightly satiny finish that creates high erasability and also reduces the glare caused by a video projector’s globe. Thus, dry erase painted walls are excellent surfaces for projecting videos and slides during classroom presentations. Top-quality white dry erase paint has the lowest amount of sheen of any product of its kind on the market today, so you can have great success using it as a screen with any type of projector.
A Dry Erase Wall Improves Communication in the Productive Classroom Space
In all classrooms, efficient communication between teachers and students and among the students themselves is the key to high levels of comprehension and educational achievement. Both the teaching process and the learning process rely heavily on the effective exchange of ideas among participants. Consequently, working to enhance overall student-to-student and teacher-to-student interaction helps immensely in building a productive classroom space.
This process may be significantly enhanced and expedited when teachers convey written information and images to students through the use of a dry-erase-painted wall. Similarly, students can also exchange ideas, share, and interact by means of the wall, thus helping to improve instructional productivity and the absorption of class material.
To sum up, students have much to gain by learning in a productive classroom space enhanced by access to the vast canvas of a dry erase painted wall. Teachers also have a much easier time going about their duties if they work with a dry erase wall in the classroom. The benefits go both ways.
The post Dry Erase Walls Create Productive Classroom Spaces appeared first on ReMARKable Whiteboard Paint.
source https://www.remarkablecoating.com/dry-erase-walls-create-productive-classroom-spaces/
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