Having a Dry Erase Wall in Your Classroom Can Change Your Life
No matter what your experience as a teacher may be, and whether you teach at any level from preschool to college, in a private or public school setting, applying top-quality dry-erase paint to your classroom walls can significantly change your life as an educator and also the lives of your students as learners. From doing daily lessons to brainstorming ideas for class projects to creating storyboards for the upcoming class play, the immense, durable, and easy-to-use surface of a dry-erase painted wall allows for infinite levels of personal and professional transformation.
Many Teachers Find Their Classroom Walls Need Serious Upgrades
On your first day at your current school, when you entered your classroom for the first time, you no doubt looked around and had a variety of first impressions about the room’s interior decor, ranging from “That looks good” to “Wow, this really needs some improvement!” Generally speaking, the average school, college, or university classroom is large enough to accommodate a reasonable number of students based on the school’s population, and the lighting is at least sufficient so that students and teachers can easily see what’s going on during lessons and other activities. But oftentimes, the elements of the classroom that stand out the most upon first glance and seem to need upgrading are the walls, which often become major eyesores after years of use by teachers as posting areas, and from general wear and tear.
The Use of Classroom Walls by Previous Teachers Creates Telltale Signs of Wear
The paint on classroom walls can often be lifted off and punctured in various places due to teachers’ use of sticky tape, tacks, staples, or push pins to mount countless posters, maps, charts, and other objects on the walls. In such cases, when the posted items are removed, the tape invariably rips paint from the walls, and the pins, staples, or tacks leave puncture marks that can’t be removed without the use of putty or spackling compound. When new teachers encounter such irregular and unsightly surfaces, they typically know right away that it will be hard to look at them on a daily basis and that some serious upgrading is in order.
What Can Teachers do to Remedy the Situation?
You may be a teacher who has inherited such well-worn and unattractive classroom walls from another teacher or just feel that your current walls need a significant makeover. If so, instead of getting the walls recoated with ordinary latex paint, it would be much more creative and practical to have them decorated with highly writable and easily erased premium dry-erase paint. In doing so, you’ll find that the massive open canvases of the resulting dry-erase walls will become your best and most reliable teaching tools, so you’ll be inspired to use them every day for every lesson you teach and for countless other school-related tasks.
Take Your Walls from Boring to Exciting with One Dry-Erase Paint Makeover
Dry-erase painted walls are the perfect solution to the drab look and lack of usefulness common to regular painted walls, which serve no purpose except as occasional posting areas for notices, maps, and the like, or as projector screens for video presentations. So, if you put in a request to have your classroom walls coated with dry-erase paint and get an approval, just contact the knowledgeable customer support team at ReMARKable for a consultation about your requirements. They can give you all the information you need about ordering top-quality dry-erase paint to take your classroom to a new level of functionality and aesthetic appeal.
How Long Will it Take to Get Dry-Erase Paint Installed in Your Classroom?
Once your application to have dry-erase paint installed in your classroom is approved, it will take only 45 minutes or less to apply our top-quality eco-friendly product after its two components are mixed together. Then, the dry time is just a short two days, the fastest curing time on the market for any dry-erase paint, thus allowing you to begin writing and drawing on your new surface more quickly than you could with harmful epoxy-based paints. In addition, because our environmentally friendly paint is practically odor-free and extremely low in volatile organic compounds (VOCs), you and your students will never be exposed to any hazardous fumes throughout the entire time the walls are used.
The Transformative Power of Dry-Erase Walls in Teaching and Learning
One of the favorite activities of teachers who use dry-erase walls is to arrange their students in small groups in front of the walls to work on collectively solving math problems. The groups can each be given a section of the wall to write on and then be asked to show all of the calculations they make in order to arrive at a solution. Next, when the time for the activity is up, the groups can easily compare the work displayed on the walls, and you can observe how efficiently and accurately each group worked. Then grades can be given to each team if desired.
Dry-Erase Markers and Erasing Cloths can be Hung on the Walls for Easy Access
One of the concerns that teachers sometimes have is that students need dry-erase markers to write and microfiber cloths to erase with when using the walls, and checking these items out and back in all the time with the teacher can be a hassle. As an alternative, markers and cloths can easily be attached to dry-erase painted walls through the use of Ziploc bags and GoodHangups, a creative new magnetic hanging system for putting up posters, photos, notices, and other items. GoodHangups consist only of a magnetic sticker and a magnet, so they require no drilling into a dry-erase wall for mounting. Using these novel devices, you can put Ziploc bags on your walls to hold markers and microfiber cloths that students can access for writing or drawing during class time.
Students Truly Appreciate Having Dry-Erase Painted Walls in the Classroom
Students love the broad, open surfaces of dry-erase walls because they offer virtually unlimited room to express creativity and do classroom activities that would be more limited in scope if small surfaces like traditional framed whiteboards were used. Students also become highly motivated when they have the chance to engage in student-focused learning with the walls in groups and enjoy the opportunity to be in control of their work through the process. They control the words they write, the calculations they perform, and the outcomes they achieve. Also, for less outgoing students, working in small groups on a dry-erase painted wall boosts self-confidence because even though they may be shy, these students can feel a sense of accomplishment when their group solves a math problem correctly or does some other type of work that turns out well. For more outgoing students, working in groups on a dry-erase wall allows for the expression of their natural leadership abilities in having the chance to direct groups during problem-solving sessions or other types of class or extracurricular activities.
Dry-Erase Walls Make for Better and More Productive Teachers and Students
Having premium dry-erase painted walls in your classroom can quickly change your life and the lives of your students for the better. The walls offer fantastic instructional possibilities that allow you to become a more effective teacher and, in turn, allow your students to become better and more creative learners. After only a short amount of time having dry-erase walls in the classroom, you’ll no doubt get to the point where you can’t see yourself teaching without them. And you’ll soon be recommending them highly to every teacher you know as well.
The post Having a Dry-Erase Wall in Your Classroom Can Change Your Life appeared first on ReMARKable Whiteboard Paint.
source https://www.remarkablecoating.com/having-a-dry-erase-wall-in-your-classroom-can-change-your-life/
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